Les Billingham and Ceri Armstrong, The building blocks of successful transformation – our experience, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (Slides, PDF)
Clenton Farquharson, Life not a service, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (Slides, PDF)
Alex Fox, From innovation to core business, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (Slides, PDF)
Dez Holmes, Why SASCI and why now? Setting the context for SASCI, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (PDF)
Chris Gage and Paul Musgrave, Towards a culture of innovation inside care organisations and service, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (Slides, PDF)
Juliette Malley, Introduction to the SASCI project, SASCI Project Launch Event, 13 January 2020, London (Slides, PDF)